Friday, November 28, 2008

Rambo Birmingham

Its been a while since my last post. As a matter of fact I haven't really been into the whole "blog scene" as of late, but after some careful reading, I feel pretty well caught up in the world of bloggery. I see not much has changed. Finnie is still Junior Fire Chief or whatever the fuck he is, Scratch is still shitting on Finnie and the Pyramid, who in turn counter attacks. Finnie is now a wife beater much to my surprise so that's nice, and Jack has still yet to blog. As for myself I too have contracted the supercold, of which I am now finally at the tail end of. Thank you Finnie.
So being under the weather, and with the gf down in Connecticut for Thanksgiving, I have been watching a considerable amount of television. One show in particular that I came across was a program on the Science Channel called "Colossal Construction." This episode is about a big subway project in NYC. It's a good show, quite interesting and chock full of stupid New Yorkers doing hard labor. There are plenty of hard hats, excavators, and rebar so I know the Broad Slayer would enjoy it. Anyway, I'm just sitting here kinda half-watching it when suddenly I hear the words "Rambo Birmingham." This causes me to right away perk up and pay close attention. I also had the clairvoyance to grab the remote and push record. Luckily having been watching the show for some time the DVR records the show back from the beginning allowing me to not only verify that such and intriguing phrase has been uttered, but also to keep a permanent record of said words. After reviewing the scene many times, much like an NFL ref reviewing a challenged call, I have come to the conclusion that this is quite bloggable. So without further ado here is the actual dialogue as it can be heard in the show.......
(Narrator) ......."It's time to lay rebar for the concrete flooring. The hole's now so deep that the crane operator can't see where he's lowering the rebar. It's a dangerous operation, he needs a man to guide him.... A man like Rambo Birmingham."
( thick New York accent) "I was a para-trooper I'll tell you one thing. My jump master told me, he says there's one thing you gotta be. Never be afraid, always be aware. So I'm always aware, I'm not afraid by any means, I'm aware and ahh, you know, you dont take nuthin for granted over here."
(Narrator) Rambo and his workmate Tommy struggle to get the rebar hooked up in a sling.
(Rambo...sarcastically) C'mon Tommy the directions are on the side.
(Tommy let's out a chuckle confirming that he's a moron)
(Rambo...directing Tommy as he repeatedly whacks the big bundle of rebar with a shovel handle for what ever reason) Keep's's comin.....Do it from the outside Moe!"
(Tommy...with an even thicker New York accent and resembling Joe Peschi) "I can't go out there. Waddayoo crazy?"
(Rambo jumps down and takes over, followed by a quick montage of the two clowns performing whatever the fuck task they're trying to perform)
(Tommy...with pry-bar in hand) "C'mon you want me to get down and do it? Glad I came over n' bailed ju out or yid still be there! You can't do this ya self you need help. Samadda you think you're herkaleez?!"
................................And Scene.....

I considered going out tonight, but boy am I glad I didn't. Personally I think the Science Channel is totally missing out on a great opportunity for a spin-off series here. A show that just taped Rambo Birmingham and his short Italian sidekick Tommy working with rebar all day, now that's TV! Could you imagine what it would be like to work with these knuckleheads? Rambo shitting on Tommy all day and telling war stories. It would be heaven. I think its time I got back to being lazy and watching TV because who knows what gems I may be missing out on, but first I will leave you with something a great man once said, he says..........Never be afraid, always be aware!


the Deck said...

always intrigued with the knowledge you lay on the world and really glad you were aware enough to catch this on dvr... sorry about the super-cold... thanks for the shout about the compelling reading on the shameless plug)... you should forward this to SciChannel right now before someone else swipes your brilliance!

The Great Pyramid said...

Ha... pure entertainment... Finnie using the word "brilliance". Nice piece of blogging here... can't wait to read scratchy's attempt and being a critic. He's not bad... for an easter seal!